lunedì 24 novembre 2008


L'ultimo album dei Guns N'Roses e' stato criticato duramente dal Global Times, il quotidiano edito dal partito comunista cinese. Intitolato "Chinese Democracy", l'album e' in vendita da ieri negli Stati uniti, ma difficilmente sara' messo sul mercato in Cina, dove la censura su film, musica e altre pubblicazioni e' estremamente rigida.

In un articolo sul quotidiano dal titolo "Album di un gruppo americano attacca la Cina", il Global Times sostiene che il disco abbia scatenato la rabbia degli internauti cinesi e lo definisce come l'ennesimo tassello di un complotto delle potenze occidentali per "controllare il mondo usando la democrazia come una scusante"

"Chinese Democracy"

It don't really matter
Gonna find out for yourself
No it don't really matter
You're gonna leave this thing to
Somebody else

If they were missionaries
Real time visionaries
Sitting in a Chinese stew
To view my dis-infatu-ation
I know that I'm a classic case
Watch my disenchanted face
Blame it on the Falun Gong*
They've seen the end and you can't hold on now

Cause it would take a lot more hate than you
To win the fascination
Even with an iron fist
All they got to rule the nation
But all I got is precious time

It don't really matter
You're gonna find out for yourself
No it don't really matter
So you can hear now from
Somebody else

Cause it would take a lot more time than you
I've got more masturbation
Even with your iron fist
All they got to rule the nation but all I got is
Precious time
All they got to rule the nation but all I got is
Precious time

It don't really matter
I guess you'll find out for yourself
No it don't really matter
So you can hear it now from
Somebody else

You think you got it all locked up inside
And if you beat them all up they'll die
Then you'll walk them home for the cells
Then now you'll dig for your road back to hell
And with your ? makes you stop
As if your eyes were their eyes you can tell
And you're out of time

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